September 7, 2010

The Right Side of the Bed

Maggie's sleep habits have been changing a little bit lately. We think she might be having a growth spurt, or she's teething, or _________ (insert your guess in the comments below!). No matter the reason, she's been spending a bit more time in bed with us lately. She's a bit of a bed hog, but I think Rob would agree - it's nice to have her so close sometimes. I think I'm pretty lucky to wake up to these snugglebugs!

Sorry for the big break between posts - work is very busy for me right now! Glad we had a 3 day weekend - it means a shorter week, and hopefully some time to upload some new photos.

Oh - I wanted to put this photo in too, since it's one of my all time favorites so far! It was also taken the day before her 9 month birthday at Maggie's first San Diego Padres game!

More soon!

1 comment:

  1. What a snuggle bug! I love the padres pictures, she looks like a baby model, so pretty!
