October 13, 2010

Visiting Mimmi & Great Grammy & Grampy

On Sunday, Maggie and I took a drive up to Orange County to visit with my Mom (Mimmi) and to see my grandparents (Great Grammy & Grampy). We also got to see Amy, my cousins Jessica & Mathew, my Aunt Lynda, and Uncles Brad & Randy.

Maggie was having so much fun with Mimmi - she loved to take the glasses of her face. She would laugh so hard that she had to rest her forehead on Mimmi's forehead. It was so cute. We (Rob and I - although Rob wasn't there, so he missed out on this lovely lesson) learned a BIG lesson. Do not feed your daughter vegetarian refried beans for dinner on Saturday night, and then prunes for breakfast on Sunday morning. It was gross people. One bath, 4 diapers, and two outfits later... Should explain why she's in a diaper only below. :o)

Off to Palm Springs this weekend to hang with the whole Korn family! We can't wait to see Cameron, Maggie's cousin! And of course, everyone else!

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